The User is the Destination Now

I was lucky enough to present at Widget Web Expo in London earlier this week (which ran on October 6-7).
It gave me an opportunity to speak about the eighth mass media for the first time. The title of my talk was The User Is The Destination Now: Widgets' Role in the Eighth Mass Media.
In the usual manner, I've made the slidedeck available via slideshare. And I was also recorded on a Flip Mino, so you can see and hear me talk about the topics on the slides, while you view them.
Some credit where due: The eighth mass media builds on Tomi Ahonen and Alan Moore's concept of mobile as the seventh mass media. Find their work at Communities Dominate Brands. It's an idea in prototype and one I've been working on with Jonathan Macdonald.
The notion of widgets as great enablers of emulation is inspired by the ideas of Mark Earls' Herd (and particularly the Homo Mimicus reference).
The video is hosted by google, which means (unlike youtube) you can download it AND it can be more than 100mb and 10 mins (it's actually about 35 mins and 120+mb).

It's all below. Hope you'll enjoy.
It's messy at the edges - so do pick up the tools and join in.

By the way, I'm in Amsterdam today. Drop me a tweet if you are too.

DONASI VIA PAYPAL Bantu berikan donasi jika artikelnya dirasa bermanfaat. Donasi akan digunakan untuk memperpanjang domain Terima kasih.
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