Getting started on your PX transformation

It's important to recognise where you start from - and which direction you need to head in - when you are going on a journey. The journey to generating a great Planet Experience is no different.
So here's one way of considering your start-point and what good might look like on your organisation's route to a better, more sustainable partnership with your planet.
Consider this (above) alongside the high-level designs I have previously shared:
First (immediately below), the need ensure all the dimensions of experience are considered - PX is now ONE of the experiences you should design for - alongside Customer Experience, Employee Experience and Workplace Experience. A great PX alone is not the recipe for the next 20 years of success - it must be combined with equally great CX and - in any kind of organisation at scale - purposefully designed and aligned EX and WX.
And finally, a guide to generating those Experience-First propositions on which the org stands or falls. (below).
Feel free to explore, reconfigure and reshare!
And if you have a challenge you would like to explore solutions to using these approaches - please get in touch.

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